The Ellises
Russell Ellis was born and raised in Indianapolis, Indiana where he attended Lighthouse Baptist Church along with his family.
After high school, he graduated from the University of Indianapolis and joined the Army where he went through the Arabic language program at the Defense Language Institute in Monterey, California. While serving in the National Guard, he earned a Juris Doctorate from Indiana University followed by a Master of Law in taxation law from the University of Alabama. After completing his education, Russell passed the bar exam, obtained his license to practice, and practiced law Indianapolis. During this time he continued to serve his church in various positions. After about a year of private practice, Russell moved to Mason, Ohio where he served as an attorney for the Christian Law Association. While working for the CLA, Russell felt the call of God upon his life and surrendered to pastoral ministry. He and his family returned to Indiana to serve on staff at their home church in preparation for this call. He served as the youth pastor at Lighthouse Baptist Church for five years before being called by the people of Cornerstone Baptist Church. On July 11, 2021, he was installed as their new pastor.
Russell professed salvation and was baptized at the age of 6. However, throughout his teen years and well into adult life he struggled with his salvation, remembering what he did, but actively seeking God’s assurance. After many years, of struggling, he was saved in 2018 while acting as the youth pastor at Lighthouse Baptist Church. Pastor Ellis married Crystal Tidd, the daughter of his pastor at Lighthouse Baptist Church. They were married on January 18, 2003, and have four children: Peyton, Reagan & Samuel (twins), and Daniel.